National Trust n.o. (NT) operates throughout Slovakia (the headquarters of the organisation is in Bratislava, the executive office is located in Liptovský Hrádok) communicating and collaborating with public institutions, municipalities, non-governmental organisations, professional organisations, historical sites owners and businesses. Our target group and partners are not only experts on cultural and natural heritage, but also the general public – residents of Slovakia of all ages with an interest in the historical environment, cultural and natural heritage!

Since its inception, NT has been operational especially thanks to enormous goodwill and effort of a number of volunteers who have been involved in many of the organisation's projects.

National Trust n.o. has been collaborating with many experts on various topics related to the cultural and natural heritage of Slovakia. We cooperate with partners at international, national and local levels. NT is a member of professional organisations - INTO, Interpret Europe, Europa Nostra, ISA Slovakia and ICOMOS Slovakia.

Our cooperation involves municipalities, a non-for-profit sector and individual owners of historic sites and monuments.


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