The building of the Slovak Museum of Nature Conservation and Speleology was originally built as a Jesuit monastery.

Jesuits came to Liptovský Mikuláš as early as 1729 as mobile missionaries. Their permanent stay was supported and made possible by Ján Okoličáni, a canon from Ostrihom. Education was one of the mission's priorities, and it was essential to acquire a suitable building for the developed school and pastoral activities. The representative of the mission, Alexius Okoličáni, asked Empress Maria Theresia to allocate land in Vrbický Hušták, which belonged to the administration of Liptovský Hrádok. On July 10, 1750, the empress issued a decree in which she allocated the requested land to them.

The building area was only used as a garden until the spring of 1764, when the exact boundaries of the plot were measured by order of the Court Office in Bratislava. The fact that the size of the land and the construction of the monastery had many detractors at the time is also evidenced by a rumor that is still remembered by the old residents of Mikuláš. According to her, on Maria Theresa's order, the monks were to measure out a building plot that would fit into one ox hide. The monks, however, cut the skin into thin strips and used it to mark off the land, on which they built not only a monastery, but also beautiful gardens and ponds.

The priority of the Jesuits was education. The original Jesuit monastery has retained this function to this day, as the building serves the needs of one of the most modern museums in Slovakia.

The museum is divided into 2 expositions located on four floors. The spaces in the basement are arranged for the Karst and Caves of Slovakia exhibition, which presents the phenomenon of karst in all contexts. On the ground floor there is an exposition dedicated to the history of the building and the institution.

The first floor is dedicated to the part of the exhibition Protected Nature of Slovakia - The Earth is a place for life. The tour in this part begins with an engaging presentation of how the universe and our planet were created. This is followed by learning about the mineralogical system, which smoothly transitions to the part dedicated to living nature.

Another part of the exhibition offers an introduction to different types of habitats and the species that live in them. Here, for example, visitors can experience what it's like to enter an imitation bear den. At the same time, the displayed exhibits are complemented by light and sound effects, which make one feel as if they are really walking through the forest.

Visitors then have to pass through the mining tunnel to the next part of the exhibition Protected Nature of Slovakia – Humans, Mountains, NATURA 2000, which is dedicated to the issue of sustainability.

The end of the tour can be finished at the museum's observation deck, from which you can view the landmarks of the city of Liptovský Mikuláš as well as the wonderful panorama of the surrounding hills.

Aktivity NT

The Slovak Museum of Nature Conservation and Speleology regularly participates in our Weekend of Open Parks and Gardens event and presents its garden, which is one of the few at least partially preserved historical gardens in Liptov.

Chcem navštíviť

The museum is located in the center of Liptovský Mikuláš at Školská street 121/4. 


01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - 09.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. last entry 4.00 p.m.
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025 Saturday, Sunday 10.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. last entry 4.00 p.m.
Members of the National Trust o.z. after showing their NT - INTO Places membership card, they are entitled to the following discounts:
Adults - 13% discount - original price 8 Euro and price after discount 7 Euro
Family - discount 11% - original price 18 Euro and price after discount 16 Euro


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