National Trust n.o. is a non-governmental non-profit organization. Its mission is to protect the cultural and natural heritage - the historic environment of Slovakia.



  • permanent protection and support for the historic environment of Slovakia as well as securing the access of Slovak citizens to their heritage - Forever, for all!

  • positive perception ​​of cultural and natural heritage values by residents of towns and villages in Slovakia as well as perception of the historic environment as a potential for socio-economic community development and also personal human development

  • support for owners and managers of historic properties and sites

  • combining all appropriate tools and means to protect and restore our heritage and make it accessible

  • supporting effective communication and cooperation among state-run institutions, municipalities and civic organisations in the area of ​​protection and purposeful use of the cultural and natural heritage of Slovakia

  • cultural and natural heritage to be also perceived as a means of promoting intercultural dialogue

We aim to achieve our objectives by mainly providing the following services:

  • implementing own projects in the area of historic sites preservation and managing own properties, sites and collections of objects

  • providing consultations, training and advice to owners and managers of historic properties and sites

  • organising national and international projects, seminars, trainings, conferences and exchange programmes

  • active participation in the development of local, regional, national and international cultural policies and programs

  • organising exhibitions, cultural-educational and social events, interpretation programmes and cultural tourism products for domestic and foreign visitors

  • publishing own materials and project outputs

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