Today, there are around 400 historical parks and gardens in Slovakia, which are registered in the Central Register of National Cultural Monuments, which is managed by the Slovak Monuments Office. 2/3 of them are in bad condition, damaged or lack maintenance or meaningful use. Parks and gardens are seen as an important part of the cultural-historical and natural heritage of our country, their role in the era of climate change is irreplaceable (maintenance of a favorable microclimate, retention of water in settlements, protection of biodiversity, etc.)

The direct and indirect economic values ​​of parks and gardens are also very significant. Maintained parks and gardens can stimulate employment, develop local services and businesses, have a positive impact on the real estate market, etc. The social values ​​of parks and gardens - building healthy communities, preventing socio-pathological disorders, providing opportunities for employment or volunteer activities, or creating a safe environment for people from different cultures and all age categories to meet - these are all very important values ​​for today's world, which parks and gardens provide.

When presenting the values ​​of parks and gardens comprehensively, we should not forget the important role of parks and gardens for human health - both physical and psychological.

However, despite all these values ​​for human society, many historical parks and gardens are in poor or even critical physical condition. Many of them even on the edge of their existence!

Our organization National Trust n.o. has been intensively devoted to the issue of restoration, protection and meaningful use of historical parks and gardens since 2007. Since we believe that the exchange of knowledge, experience and practical knowledge at the international level is also important for improving the condition of historical parks and gardens in Slovakia, in 2023 we started implement the project called ""Bilateral Initiative on Historic Parks and Gardens" within the program called Entrepreneurship in culture, cultural heritage and cultural cooperation within the EEA financial mechanism



The main goals of our joint project:

1. Exchange of know-how and practical experience, skills and strengthening of bilateral cooperation between partners from Norway and Slovakia in the field of protection, management, maintenance and interpretation of historical parks and gardens - cultural landscape

2. preparation for possible joint projects and more systematic cooperation in the future, such as cooperation in the creation of the Center for Garden Culture and Landscape in Europe, etc.


As part of the project, two study trips to selected parks and gardens in Norway and later in Slovakia are planned for a group of 20 experts and students from both countries. During these study trips, we plan to discuss relevant topics related to the management of historical parks and gardens in Slovakia and Norway and to exchange knowledge and practical experience in the given topic.

​We also want to discuss possible cooperation in the future, such as the restoration, maintenance, interpretation and presentation of historical parks and gardens in Europe, or the use of new technologies in the field of garden and landscape architecture, the involvement and professional training of the young generation - gardeners, landscape architects other craftsmen.

We believe that after the planned study trips to Norway and Slovakia, we will be able to better identify the potential and needs of partners in the given topic of management of historical parks and gardens. Communication and cooperation between project partners will be deepened and at a qualitatively higher level thanks to personal meetings. We expect that immediately after completing the study trips, we will be able to use the acquired knowledge and skills and incorporate them into our daily work and practice. However, our expectations also concern more systematic cooperation in the future. We want to use all ideas, knowledge and practical experience gained during bilateral exchanges in the creation and functioning of the Center for Garden Culture and Landscape at NT n.o.


Financial contribution from EEA and Norway grants: 40,000 Euro

Project implementation period: January - December 2023



+421 907296724

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