Bratislava and Vienna, which are just over 50 km apart, not only share a common cultural past, but also very similar challenges in terms of the climate and biodiversity crisis.

In the project Biodivercity (Slovakian: Mestá.Záhrady.Rozmanitosť, German: Städte.Gärten.Vielfalt), the cities of Bratislava and Vienna will blossom together from April 2024!

Austrian and Slovakian city administrations and cultural and environmental organisations will work with the local population for three years to design biodiversity-friendly urban green spaces.

Partner organisations:

Strategic partners:

Project implementation period: 1.4.2024 – 31.3.2027

Total indicative budget of the project: 2 724 214,10 €

Budget of the National Trust of Slovakia: €153 815.08

ERDF (80%): €123 052.06

Co-financing from the state budget (12%): €18 457.81

National Trust of Slovakia co-financing (8%): €12 305.21


The goals of the project are:

1. Creation of new green spaces, qualitative upgrading of existing green spaces and historic gardens

2. To raise awareness and sensitise the population to urban biodiversity and green infrastructure

3. Strengthening the commitment, participation and empowerment of citizens

4. Knowledge exchange and joint strategy development between Bratislava and Vienna

Community building is combined with the restoration and conservation of biodiversity to make both cities more liveable for people and (small) wildlife. The participation of the population is not only intended to impart knowledge, but also to create new forms of cooperation between citizens and organisations in both countries.


The most important activities:

- Participatory garden projects

- Sustainable greening of Jägerstraße in Vienna

- Investments in the historic Koch Garden in Bratislava

- Development of historical gardens in Bratislava and Vienna (Imperial Palace)

- Teaching and learning programs

- Educational program for gardeners

- Innovative audio guides

- 3 public events in parks and gardens

- 1 international symposium

- Joint strategy papers



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