The renovation of historical houses and object is one of the common aims and features of different National Trusts - organisations dealing with protection of cultural and natural heritage of the world. It belongs to one of our priorities since the establishemnt of our organisation in 1996.
The Romer´s House belong to the objects which took our interest already many years ago. It is a little bit down-the-line but more than surprising object of reneissance burgher house. After many years of consultations with the owner of Rómer´s house - Evangelic churh - we have started the process of its renovation and sensible use.
Our main aim is to renovate this unique sight in a way which would respect its historical integrity. We would like to
Zámočnícka Street is one of the oldest medieval streets of Bratislava. The street name is derived from the artisans - locksmiths who lived here in the 15th century. The townhouse on Zámočnícka 10 was built in the 16th century in the Renaissance style, later expanded in Baroque style. In 19th century the façade was restyled in classical order and corridor gallery was added to the courtyard façade. The house was used for living, except the ground floor which was adapted for commercial purposes. Later the façade was restored to its original form with the corners of buildings emphasised by rusticated painted quoins.
The House is known as a birthplace of Florián František Rómer (1815 Bratislava – 1889 Oradea, Romania) – a noted archaeologist, historian, scientist, university professor and church dignitary. He was professor at the Academy in Bratislava and Budapest, he also worked as a curator at Hungarian National Museum. He was one of the founders of modern Hungarian archaeology and founding member of the Hungarian Historical Society.
We have chosen a programme of gradual renovation to achieve a successful renessaince of the burgher house where the famous Kingdom of Hungary archeologist, historian and nature scientist Florián F. Rómer was born.
What did we do?
I. phase (2014 -2015) During this phase, the following activities occurred: beginning of communication with KPÚ (Regional Sight Office) in Bratislava, inventarisation of sightworthy elements, working on project documentation, carrying out accurate measurements, and acquiring building approval for the above-ground levels I. and II.
II. phase (2016) In 2016, the following activities were completed: renewing of the original arches and openings, renewing of the entrance gate, new window openings, renewing of the balcony, renewing of the original floor levels, removal of unneccessary building supplements (air technique), building new restrooms, renewing of doors and door frames, renewing of original wooden staircase, new heating, water and electricity supply.
Further steps planned Gradually other parts of this sight will be renewed such as: the roof with baroque dormer, original rafters, basement area with the original rennaisance staircase, rennaisance facade etc. Renovation of the yard will be carried out during a separate phase where the asphalt will have to be removed, and 70 concrete ties brought in. After lowering the level of the yard, some garden work will be carried out, a suitable green area will be created including outdoor seating. The building was put to partial use by the end of 2016, but its complete renovation will take about 10 more years, and will be run alongside already completed areas.
Ecological aspects A special aim we have is utilizing the rainwater. The realization of this depends on a sensitive approach, voluntary work and also professional cooperation.
Plans of future usage The question of future usage is very important in context with the preservation of the renovation results. The partners plan to interpret and present the building as a signifcant part of cultural and building heritage in Bratislava, aimed at the personality of Florián František Rómer who was born in this house in 1815 and came to visit it regularly till his death in 1889.
Our aim is to make the building and its selected rooms open to the public and visitors to Bratislava. In one part, an exhibition is planned dedicated to F.F. Rómer. There will be also The Landscape and Garden Culture Centre and Centre of Help to the Owners of Historical Objects and Localities.
At the moment you can find here a cozy café U Rómera. And our plans later count also with a restaurant offering some local gastronomy. The yard will be used for cultural events, concerts, readings, lectures. Young artists are able to display their work here. The smaller area next to the main entrance is planned to serve as a meeting room for the members of NT and also as a local souvenir shop and minigallery.
Národný Trust n.o. otvára brány Rómerovho domu na Zámočníckej ulici č. 10 v Bratislave. I. etapa obnovy renesančného meštianskeho domu je pomaly za nami.
We offer a short-term hire of unique historical premises at Rómer’s House in Zámočnícka Street 10 in Bratislava. These premises are suitable for organising cultural, social and educational activities, meetings and discussions.
The profit from the premises hire is used for maintenance and further renovation of Rómer’s House.
The premises available for hire are: the coffee rooms, the historical Rómer’s room, the inner yard with the inner gateway and unique cellars.
Basic price list:
Inner yard/Rómer´s room/inner rooms of café U Rómera
1 - 4 hours - 30 Euro/1 hour
5-10 hours - 26 Euro/1 hour
10 and more hours - 22 Euro/1 hour
The whole object of Rómer´s House (all above mentioned rooms included)
100 Euro/ 1 hour
In case of educational and not commercial and charity event we can offer price reductions up to 80 % of the given prices. .
Catering is offered primarly in co-operation with our local café U Rómera. It is possible to bring your own catering but consequently the rental prices would be higher than are in our basci price list.
All details and specific hire conditions are agreed individually at a personal meeting.
+421 907296 724