We believe that knowledge and understanding are important to secure protection of cultural and natural heritage values. We, therefore, specifically focus on the issue of access to intellectual values of our heritage. Interpretation is a process of communication and a pedagogical-educational activity used to reveal the meanings and relationships of the cultural and natural heritage to the general public (visitors, but also the residents of particular locations) through their first-hand experience of cultural and historical objects, artifacts, landscape and locations.

Interpretation is a way of helping other people to appreciate something we believe is worth attention. Interpretation applies to buildings (castles), national parks and other protected areas, industrial monuments, cultural landscapes as well as historical parks and gardens etc.

National Trust n.o. is a member of the Interpret Europe international network, which offers services of certified trainers on the topic of heritage interpretation.

At present, we prepare trainings and workshops in the above mentioned field (origins, definition and basic principles of quality interpretation, interpretation planning, interpretation product development, interpretation as a management and marketing tool etc.). If you are interested in a training or workshop in the above field please write to us at kubikova@nt.sk.


Lektorovaná prehliadka počas Víkendu otvorených parkov a záhrad

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